Thursday, July 21, 2011

Bookstore closes.

Bedlam ensues?

Yeah, that sums it up. What's a bookseller to do when she had no bookstore to sell books from? I pondered the same thing. Once I stopped sulking about Borders kicking me out on my ass without so much as a "thanks for the last four years of you life, here's you last paycheck" I got a kind of crappy job and figured I'd get back to normal and love selling video games as much as I loved selling books. I was wrong. I nursed the barren, empty piece of my soul that was yearning to be hip and happening and in the know about lay downs and book gossip hoping to fill it with Assassins Creed and Call of Duty. I even got my awesome literary tattoo seeking to fill the hole with ink, but it remained sad and empty, until a glorious thing happened.

A Dance With Dragons

And I was whole again for a few short hours, surrounded by my book loving kindred. The first person to get to BnN showed up at 3:30 AM. WILD! I wanted to be that lunatic. Granted Gloria was going to let me have a midnight release for it, but I let that slide. So a calling was found. Book signing and discussions, maybe even conventions. Visiting historic literary sights. It will be amazing. I will find new authors and buy books and fill the world with otherwise unknown wonder. I will pester existing authors and I will not let Mike Edwards end my literary career.

Now to the events!


  1. I want to be a part of this. Please.

  2. Awesome! I'm going to need co-pilots and people to help me find events and help getting people to read me once i have events and maybe when i have too much work someone to fill in for me?

  3. I want literary adventures! I left the book world to join *corporate world*. I miss laydowns and literary events :(

  4. I invited you on a literary adventure and i was abandoned! If i find one that suites us (or you do) we can go on an adventure.
